How To Find Your Divine Purpose – Vinay Rai


A simple flute is just a hollow bamboo stick where a few holes are made. By itself, it has no ability to create music. But when you blow softly through it and tap on the holes it creates the most beautiful music and soothing sound. But what if the flute itself decided to take things into its own hands and said - I will create the music myself. After all, its music since it flows through me. Of course, we know it will be disastrous. Imagine us humans as the flute and God and the universal energy as the player and the air that flows through it. It's they who create the music of our lives through their soft and caring touch. Music of life cannot be played by us alone. We need the divine hand and soul energy breadth to brewing it alive. Live life like that in total Surender to the player and his energy and we will become beautiful instruments of His Divine Will and be in constant bliss. Every struggle of ours to realize the unity behind all the multiplicity is a step on the path of divine life. Let's Wipe out the root causes of our anxiety, fear, and ignorance. Anxiety is removed by faith in the Lord; the faith that tells us that whatever happens is for our best and that the Lord’s Will, will be done. Quiet acceptance is the best armor against anxiety. Sorrow springs from our Ego, our feeling that we do not deserve to be treated so badly, that we are left helpless by God and society and we are superior and deserve much better. If we remove our Ego, sorrow will certainly disappear. Ignorance is just a mistake we commit to identifying ourselves only with our body and not our soul. The Lord will accept us as His flute when we are Egoless and Desireless. May God bless you always - Vinay Rai